Many states with cannabis legalization have manufacturer and dispensary licensees that make and sell cannabis-infused beverages and even cannabis-infused drink mixes. What you don’t usually see is a major liquor retailer carrying any form of cannabis drink. Why? First, states with cannabis legalization on the whole ban alcohol and cannabis being mixed together in a single beverage, and, second, major liquor retailers won’t bother getting a state cannabis license due to a multitude of legal issues, including federal law and how it conflicts with cannabis negatively impacts alcohol licensing. However, Total Wine & More (“Total Wine”) is breaking the mold by offering cannabis drinks in Minnesota.

On August 12, 2016, the DEA published a policy in the federal register (81 Fed. Reg. 53846) designed to increase the number of entities registered under the CSA to grow marijuana to supply legitimate researchers in the United States.  The DEA has concluded that the best way to satisfy the current researcher demand for